Love Knows No Bounds: Two Adorable Special Needs Kittens

Meet the Wobblies — Loop and Wander. I call them the Wobblies because these sweet babies have feline cerebellar hypoplasia, a condition that most commonly occurs when a pregnant cat becomes infected with feline panleukopenia virus and passes the infection along to her unborn kittens.

The virus attacks the developing cells in the cerebellum. Severity of symptoms depend on how much of the cerebellum was affected and at what stage in development the infection occurred. With extra tender loving care and some modifications to their environment, these lovelies can live happy and healthy lives.

I am pretty sure no one mentioned to either Loop or Wander that they are “differently abled.” They are playful, sweet purr machines and like any other kitten, they take every opportunity to explore their environment and turn whatever they find into a plaything.

As a pet portrait photographer, I am proud to donate my time and talent to create images that might help these special needs kittens find a home.

If you or someone you know is interested in taking in these two special needs kittens, you can find them at Second Chance Animal Rescue of Connecticut:


Rescue is my favorite Breed.