Photographing Puppies: Capturing Pure Joy with a hint of Puppy Breath

“Happiness is a warm puppy.” 

Lucy Van Pelt

How can I describe the deliciousness of a soft, wriggly, warm and happy puppy? Their skin and their paws are too big for their tiny bodies, their fur is soft as velvet, their eyes are curious and sweet. And with each sloppy, wet puppy kiss or yawn, there is that intoxicating new puppy smell. I just can’t get enough of it. Lucky for me, last week I photographed a litter of Miniature Schnauzers and got to indulge in that magic aroma seven times over.

Have people told you that when you find your passion and love what you do, it’s no longer work? Well, my newest passion is photographing puppies. Getting to capture these furry balls of bliss hit a high note in my photographic career. 

I thought it was going to be harder than it turned out to be. I’m not sure if it was because my sister breeds the perfect dogs or I just hit it on the right day but it was almost easier than photographing toddlers and not even close to herding cats.

I started by photographing each puppy individually, then moved on to pairs and small groups.When they were good and tired, we brought together the whole litter for a family portrait. Being professional models is a tough job and as soon as we were finished and the puppies were back in their pen, they all fell into a deep sleep. It was a joyful day and I am beyond pleased with the results. 

I am proud to say that my sister not only has been part of the family business of breeding and showing Schnauzers for most of her life but is also President and Co-Founder of a Schnauzer rescue in her home state. Hopefully, she will bring me in to photograph her puppies again soon.

Got a furbaby you love and adore? Let’s capture their magic together. 


Every Dog Deserves a Second Chance.


Saving Souls One Pet Portrait at a Time.